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Agricultural Conservation

Ottawa SWCD is working to reduce the effects of wind and water erosion in Ottawa County. Soil erosion is a major contributor to poor water quality in Lake Erie and its tributaries. Being good stewards of the land should be a goal that every landowner in Ottawa County is working towards. There are various cost share programs available to Ottawa County Ag producers to assist with these efforts. For more information contact Mike Libben at 419-898-1595 or

Manure Rules

A Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) is something that livestock producers can chose to have for their operations. The plans help farmers place manure and other nutrients more accurately to their fields. In order to have a CNMP written, farmers are asked to provide the following information:

  • updated soil tests for all fields that receive manure (tests must be three years old or less)

  • 5 year crop rotation for the fields receiving manure, management practices on the field (tillage, etc.)

  • FSA maps for all fields, animal numbers

  • housing information for all livestock


Best Management Practices


4R Nutrient Managment:

  • Right Rate

  • Right Source

  • Right Time

  • Right Place

  • Cover Crops

  • Erosion Control

  • Soil Health

  • Additional Nutrients

Water Control Structures:

  • Control the amount of water that leaves your farm & adjust the field drainage  throughout the growing season depending on the crop.

Ottawa Soil & Water Conservation District              

Office Hours: 7am - 5pm Mon-Thursday; 8am-12pm Friday

240 West Lake Street                                                                      

Oak Harbor, OH 43449

Tel: 419-898-1595


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