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To offer funding to farmers who implement proven conservation practices that limit agricultural phosphorus runoff from fertilizer.

Drainage & Ditch Maintenance

To reduce sediment and pollution loads to waterways, and help prevent erosion and maintain good water conveyance.

Ag Conservation

To improve the water quality of Lake Erie and its tributaries by providing assistance to reduce the effects of wind and water erosion.


To assist with informing landowners of Federal and State programs that provide incentives for resterations. 


To assist communities with the implementation of their stormwater management plans that are required by the Ohio EPA.

Environmental Education

To provide all ages and demographics information on various topics that can lead to better stewarship of our natural resources. 

Soil Testing

To assist lawn and garden owners in getting soil testing done to ensure the best crop year.

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Contractor List

To provide all with a list of contractors to build your wetland to your standards.

Ottawa Soil & Water Conservation District              

Office Hours: 7am - 5pm Mon-Thursday; 8am-12pm Friday

240 West Lake Street                                                                      

Oak Harbor, OH 43449

Tel: 419-898-1595


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